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OCD Treatment

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts or obsessions and repetitive behaviors or compulsions performed to alleviate distress. These cycles can significantly disrupt daily life and cause emotional and physical exhaustion. Medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are often effective in reducing the intensity of symptoms by regulating brain chemistry. With proper care, individuals with OCD can manage their condition, improve their quality of life, and achieve long-term relief.

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Symptoms of OCD

Intrusive Thoughts
Recurrent, unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that cause distress, such as fears of contamination or harming others.

Compulsive Behaviors
Repetitive actions, like excessive handwashing, checking, or counting, performed to reduce anxiety caused by obsessions.

Fear of Contamination
An intense fear of germs, dirt, or illness leading to avoidance behaviors or excessive cleaning rituals.

Need for Symmetry or Exactness
A compulsion to arrange or organize items in a specific way to feel "right" or prevent perceived harm.

Distress When Unable to Perform Rituals
Severe anxiety or discomfort when rituals or routines are interrupted or prevented.

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